Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Unity Senior Project Death Mechanism

Today is a good day.

In conjunction with finally implementing the combat system, a simple laser weapon for all players, I have now included a death messaging system for players. Now, when a client detects that they have lost enough health, they will send a message to the server saying they died. After that, they will be booted from the multiplayer room and return to the lobby.

Several design decisions here. One is that we went with health. Although I am a supporter of realistic combat systems, health is easy to integrate and fast. Being we have only 13 weeks left in development we need to go the easy route. Secondly, when a player dies, they do not spawn again. This will make the games faster, more intense, and have higher reward/punishment. We plan on implementing a survival of the fittest scoring system. The longer you survive and the more kills you get, the higher your score. Scoring will be added once I add a database to our server as well as some tables. This will be a part of phase two development (the last 8 weeks of the project).

I will be back later today to update on the techniques and code to implement this part of the combat system.
But, as always you can checkout the code at github.com/hollsteinm/GSPSeniorProject.

See you soon!

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