Monday, April 7, 2014

Starbound Aces Registration Complete

Whew! What a few days it had been.

I have finally finished the custom sign up component configuration and the server/client code.

The final configuration code sets up the servers configuration to relate to database tables. Originally I was getting an exception thrown due to a weird issue. The SFS (SmartFoxServer) SignUpAssistant was, it seemed, looking at the first column and automatically assumed it was the id column. It assumed it was also of a 32-bit or 64-bit integral value. Well, that was wrong for my database. It was, by mistake, made with a first column of type char var. I quickly remedied this by dropping the table and re-creating it. This resolved all issues I had with both the SignUpAssistant and LoginAssistant components.

Client side the code could not have been simpler. In fact, in regards to the login assistant, I changed nothing. As far as the sign up component, I explained the process in my last post.

When I finished the sign up and login component extensions I went about implementing our server-side game driver. This is the next step in my part of the project.

The game is somewhat represented server side. It contains a lot of the data of current games in memory. For instance, the players, the ships, and the weapons attached to the ships. It also keeps track of player scores. Considering that this game's main focus is on competition and the scores are a large part of that, I thought that keeping the scoring system entirely server side was a good idea. During games, players rack up points, then when this game is over, the server exports and aggregates this score to the player's persistent database row.

On another note, we have music! So next video you will get to hear that. I am very exciting about finishing this project and continuing on at the rate we are. Check back soon for more updates!

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