Saturday, April 5, 2014

One More Step

Well, after some digging around the net, I managed to find some good tutorials on my chosen server technology and database technology. From these tutorials I was able to initialize and setup a database.

I know, doesn't sound too exciting. I agree, not the most pleasant experience. So I will move on to talking about what really matters. What really matters is what we can do with this new remote database and SmartFox extension.

If you read my last post you will see that I wrote some code to interact with a database to allow a custom login for our game. With this we also were able to setup a custom signup interface as well. Using this technology; however, required the use of an SQL database. That meant I either needed to set up a remote database and have the server remotely connect to it. Or I could set up a local database for the server. I am lazy and so went with the latter route. This made configuration and set up simple.

Now, the SmartFox extension ran smoothly, reporting no errors. This means there is only one step left. The step that is left is to roll out code for the client application to allow a user to sign up for our game and to get an email confirmation  with an activation code.

There is a lot of information on this and a lot of ways to do it. However, I will most likely being following the examples for previous peers and the SmartFoxServer documentation.

Next post will be about the client side code to sign up and log in, with the ability for you to do so yourself.

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