Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Unity GUI and HighScores

Quick update of what I plan on getting done after work today. The goals I have in mind for today are to customize our GUI menus and getting the high scores scene to display player scores.

For the most part, our game is a handful of menus and a multiplayer level. Since most people will be seeing our menu system first, I figured beautifying first would be a good goal to have. Right now we are using the basic GUI.Button calls in the OnGUI event in Unity. This is fine for prototyping, but we need a game with our own look. So, I am using the overloaded method of the GUI.Button methods. These take GUIStyle and GUIContent arguments. Thankfully, these are member fields that are configured to be edited in a friendly manner from the Unity Editor. This will make the life of our artist easier.

Secondly, I want to get the score table in our SQL database to work correctly. What is supposed to happen in the SignUpAssistantComponent postprocessor is that the server will insert the user into the scores table. This will allow them to keep track of their scores. In our game, there is an option to view highscores. In this scene I hope to show the player's current score and rank, the top ten players and their scores. I also want to put in a scrolling menu for going through all of the other players' scores.

I will have an update post later tonight on what I accomplished so far. Hopefully it won't look like I took a step backwards.

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