Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Unreal Engine 4

Last night I had the time to work in the Unreal Engine 4, as I have finished a lot of my Senior Project. I do have a few comments about it in regards to the C++ Programming. They can all be summed up in one word though - Smooth.

Indeed, the C++ programming is a smooth process once you understand the patterns and design of the system itself. Knowing C++ definitely helps too. For instance, yesterday I began implemented my own Inventory system derived from the one found on the Unreal Wiki. It when all as planned with only a minor hick-up in having no support for Unions as a UPROPERTY (So it can be seen and edited in the Visual Scripting Engine - Blueprints).

The ability to program in features with the ease of Unity and its managed scripting engine and the performance of C++ makes me very attracted to using this new engine. Having access to the source code also helps with understanding the core components. I also find that the unity website, wiki, and forums have a wealth of knowledge to start with. Finally, the free games and demos I can download from Epic aid in understanding the system even more.

I am sure I have mentioned before I was never a fan of UDK, so I was a little hesitant to begin with UE4; however, I am glad to be spending the measily $20.00 for this awesome engine and I plan to keep on using it. There are also some nice community works in progress underway such as an Adventure Kit.

Oh, and don't even get me started on how EASY it is to do multiplayer games in UE4.

Decided to share my thoughts and tell you that getting Unreal Engine 4 is worth it!

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