Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Unity, SmartFoxServer, and GameMaker, OH MY!

Well, I set out to do a lot today and now that it is night I am done, and accomplished.

I will start with the less exciting news. I have made the enemies have the ability to attack the player in my GameMaker: Studio project. It was simple, reusing a lot of scripts from the player attack scripts. The workflow increases of reusable code is always a dream.

Now, for the more exciting news: I have deployed our Senior Project to a remote server and now anybody who downloads the source code and runs it in Unity will be able to connect to the server. If anybody is logged in when you make a game, they will see the games and be able to join it. Two players to a game right now. The only thing is that there is no actual game-play as of yet due to the multi-player room being nothing but a bunch of cubes moving around.

The total amount of work to get this done in one day was about ten hours. It was intense and I am so glad that I accomplished this. I know that just talking about it doesn't help people learn from what I have done so please, I urge you, poke around the code on the repository found here:

To note, the core of the client model is found in the interfaces. These interfaces are IClient, IListener, and the combination interface of IClientController. I did this so that we could program one player object for both single player and multi-player. This is done by assigning a different server type when the player chooses a game mode. The code for that is found in LaunchGUI.cs. The core of the client messaging system for SmartFox is found in the ingeniously named SFSClient.cs file. I wrapped sending messages so that other developers in my group will be able to pick what message to send to the server for handling based on an enumeration of options. This was more or so done for ease of development.

All in all, it was a real good day for game programming today and I am excited to continue my work on both of these projects.

Oh, and UnrealEngine 4 came out today, so I am super excited to get a subscription and poke around the source code!

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