Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Part II: Making an Actual Game

Part two of my Applied Project Development class has begun and we have a lot to do. The first part of our class was spending a semester getting an architecture up and running. This, we did successfully.

To recap, the game will be native to the Windows OS, written in C++, using the DirectX9.0c June 2010 API and FMOD API for the sound engine. The DirectX API, In game Camera, DirectInput, and FMOD were all successfully wrapped in our architecture and basic game object classes were created. On top of that a method for creating, interacting with, and rendering a world was implemented. We also implemented a HUD and a menu system for the game controlled by a game state manager.

What does this all mean?

It means there is a ton of more work to do. On top of the architecture we must not implement Game Specific Subsystems - obstacles, actors, triggers, etc. From there we will also be changing our architecture to include a font engine to render text to screen as well as a new rendering method for our backgrounds.

Most of the work after that will all be implementing gameplay features for the player. I was left to be in charge of the following:

Weapon System
HUD (improved mechanics)
Font Engine

As well as some art assets

Ambient Music
Player Animations
Some Sound FX (Player, Weapon)

We have achieved a lot the past 8 weeks and now must achieve more for a beta in the next 8. Here is a look at what we have graphically so far:

Until next time, enjoy!

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