Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rendering Architecture Established

For a while I have spent time on getting my DirectX 10 rendering system architecture established, and I am successful in that end of my engine. However, in doing this implementation, I have realized a few setbacks for my system. One such, that I will be swiftly reengineering, is the loss of data as my Entities fall out of scope (this is because I only use pointers after their initialization to do the rest of the work). What also happens is that iterating through each component registered does not match components correctly with 'brother' components (components of the same entity). This causes wrong calculations and issues within the system that are completely unacceptable.

Now, the re-engineering I plan on doing is creating hash values for each Entity within the system, use an Entity Manager, and correctly mapping components to their respective Entities. This will also make debugging entities simpler as that has been and issue.

Now, for the picture proof of my renderer actually working:

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