Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Default Renderer Completed!

Today I completed my default shader for all static objects within my game world. By static I mean objects that are not animated such as a walk animation. My shader includes a diffuse texture, normal map, and a specular map. Those three textures are what I wished to accomplish at the minimum for my basic 3D models.

With my default shader complete I wish to incorporate a messaging system for all input so I can start creating a user movable camera. The reason I mention messaging systems is because of my current job at EverFire Studios. Recently we have decided to create a headless game engine for our current game in development. Naturally this meant a lot of research in design patterns. This also included patterns with messaging systems.

As to which messaging system to incorporate all input controllable objects... I do not know yet. I will have a detailed post about that at a later date, perhaps.

To recap, I have finished my default static model shader and will move forward with incorporating user input. Until next time, enjoy programming games!

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