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I have not since.
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Enjoy Game Programming
The Rand() posts of a growing software engineer. Mostly about game programming, old college stuff, and some fun side projects. Comments, discussions, and games are greatly encouraged!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Unreal Engine Quest Framework Part 2: Design
It is that time now. The time to begin the Quest, to a Quest Plugin that will meet all your Questing needs and desires in Unreal Engine 4. This first post of Part 2 of an Unreal Engine Quest Framework will go over the high level design of such a system. I will go over two prototypes that have lead me to my current design. I will also discuss the requirements for such a Plugin. Finally, I will discuss the final high level design of the Quest Framework in Unreal Engine 4.
So, without further ado, let us move on-wards in our Quest (I promise, I will not stop).
Old Prototypes
First, I am making this framework with previous experience. As we all know, there is a Part 1 to the Quest Framework. This was the initial prototype. There were obvious issues with it I will discuss at a later time. I also made a second prototype. It turned into a mess. I will discuss everything that went wrong when implementing it.
Prototype the First
The original prototype consisted had two clases: AQuest and AInfo. AInfo classes where AObjective nested in an AQuest. This framework supported Binary Quests - pass or fail type scenarios. AObjective object tracked it's own completion state. AObjective tracked state by using two int32 parameters: CurrentProgress and TotalProgressNeeded. There was no replication, no RPC, just dumb state tracking and some FText for the UI.
This was a flawed design lacking robustness.
These flaws were many. It was too simple, required a lot of work to integrate, and did not have any management included. Using two AInfo classes as a base resulted in serialization, binary, and network overhead. Combined with having to spawn Actors to run quests, a lot of resources became wasted. Finally, there was no management of Quests and Objectives outside of their scope.
There was no easy way to edit Quests and Objectives in the Unreal Engine 4 Editor. It required needless Blueprint Subclasses of AObjective and AQuest to build quest paths.
Prototype the Second
The second prototype was somewhat more advanced.
It used UObject as the base class and Instanced everything. There were objects named UQuest, UObjective, and UReward. Each of these classes had a specific purpose.
The core of the system was the UQuest object. It contained a list of UObjectives. Then the UObjectives had URewards for applying a rewards system for completing objectives. UQuest had three objects of UQuestState that drove the logic of a UQuest.
An example of these states were a UQuestState_Active, UQuestState_Passed, and a UQuestState_Failed. Then there were child classes of these states such as UQuestState_Transition. These managed how transitions worked when changing state. They also ran the actual logic behind a UQuest object. Essentially, UQuest was a StateMachine.
It became a mess. Worse yet, adding in Replication, UI features, and ActorComponents, made it worse. There was too much complexity and overlapping class responsibilities. Binding to new events added a lot of complexity. It also made management of quests and objectives harder. It was a lot and it was doing too much.
With the old prototypes explained there were several lessons that I learned. A Quest Framework should be simple. A framework for end developers to create customized Questing experiences for their players. It should not force Quests into the world. It should not force metadata parameters such as a Title, Pictures, Sounds, etc. It should be event based and have the ability to adapt to many states and results. It should allow any interested party to observe state without coupling to the quest framework.
Requirements of a Robust and Flexible Quest Plugin
So, what is it that we desire in a Quest Plugin for Unreal Engine 4?
Well, it needs to be generic and support many use cases. Such use cases would be single or multi player and dedicated servers. It needs to support saving status and/or state and progress. It needs to not force implementation, such as what parameters to use in the UI. It needs to support replication on demand as well as server managed RPC methods. It needs to be lightweight.
Being generic and the support for many use cases allows for a core foundation of a Quest Framework / Plugin. This will allow use of it in many game projects. It must not dictate quest types, quest metadata, and how quests progress.
A good Plugin should have network support built in. This is 2017 after all, if your game isn't networked in some way, well, it is a fun single player game. Plus, lots of people like to make MMOs, which (probably) requires some networking and (may) have lots of fun quests. This means a Quest Framework needs to support Unreal Engine's Replication and RPC frameworks.
Quests are a way to track player achievements within a game and to guide the player to some end goal. These games are not short and allow for the player to leave for extended periods of time. This is usually why games have a Save system. Unreal Engine 4 allows for a SaveGame framework. A good Quest Plugin / Framework will support this as well.
Finally, a good Quest Framework will not force implementation. It will only allow for adaptation and let the developer decide presentation.
With this in mind, I have concocted a design for a general Quest Framework in the Unreal Engine 4.
Quest Framework Overview
So, with this in mind I will explain the core concepts for the new Quest Framework in Unreal Engine 4.
The concepts involve the mixed use of several class types. These types are UDataAssets, custom Interfaces, an Event/Message hub, as well as a Graph Editor for quests. Finally - for good measure - we will use UActorComponents as a way to let the Gameplay code interact with the quests. And yes, this will be a lot of work - but a good system or framework is always worth the workload, especially if it is reusable.
The various objects inherited from UDataAsset will be quest, objective, and rewards descriptors. The actual data defined in the class will be by the developer. (EDIT: After writing this article, I may leverage the new feature of TMap in Blueprints). Think of this as the Blackboard object in Unreal Engine 4 Behavior Trees.
Interface UObjects will be logic drivers for the Quest Framework. Such drivers will detect the state of an objective and a quest. It will also moderate rewards received, how to give out rewards, and various other tasks. Think of these as a similar role to Tasks, Services, and Decorators in Behavior Trees in Unreal Engine 4.
We have defined the roles an structure of quests and objectives. Now I can go into how to decouple questing logic from the rest of the application. From current experience, event or message based systems are great at this. This is because we just need to create a proxy event object or a message object that transmits information we care about. This reduces overhead of knowing exactly what a quest or objective object is.
Finally, a nice feature to have would be a Graph Editor. The Graph Editor will also have functions that allow us to create new quests, objectives, logic, and quest flow. The Graph Editor will also allow us to layout the paths and tracks of a quest.
That is it for Unreal Engine Quest Framework Part 2: Design - check back later where we start defining some code!
Game Development,
Unreal Engine 4
Monday, September 26, 2016
Unreal Engine 4 C++ Resources
Unreal Engine 4 C++ Resources: Intro
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Ah, yes, the rough looking starter projects |
What I want to share with you right now are some good resources that I have constantly gone back to for references. There are about three categories I would split my findings into for Unreal Engine 4 C++ tutorials and examples. These categories would be the obvious, the popular, and the obscure.
Unreal Engine 4 C++ Resources: The List
The Obvious
Whether it be from the horses mouth or an expert in the field. These are solid choices for learning anything about Unreal Engine 4 C++ coding.
C++ Tutorial on Unreal Engine's YouTube Playlist
This tutorial is great for beginners with Unreal Engine 4's C++ API. It will teach you how to create gameplay code, interact with objects, some simple HUD work, as well as some effects. I watched a few of the videos when I was starting out just to get a jumpstart into C++ with UE4.
The Unreal Engine 4 Wiki
The Wiki is always a good place to stop by when looking to implement some common game components. My very own Quest Framework is posted there as well. There are so many tutorials involving AI, C++, Blueprints, and Building with UE4 that it is an invaluable resource.
The Unreal Engine 4 Forums
This is a decent place to go to get some information about C++ in Unreal Engine 4. You may not always get an answer, but when it comes to the more clear questions and descriptions of what you want, there are some good people that will help you out. Sometimes a staffer will comment as well and really steer you into the right direction.
The Source Code
- The source code. (You MUST be logged in and a part of Epic Games to view this private repository)
If there is anywhere to go as the definite source (pun intended, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't) to C++ code in UE4, it is the source code. If ever you have any questions in regards to how certian modules work or how something is implemented, this is the place to go to. I use it extensively when writing plugins and editor extensions. It is exceptionally helpful to look at the MessageBus, OnlineSubsystem, and Actor replication portions of the code when writing networked games.
The Popular
Tom Looman's Blog
When it came to writing network code and code for interactive objects in Unreal Engine 4, this was my go to place. Tom Looman has most of his tutorials in C++ and Blueprints. What this does is allow for a smooth transition if you are used to Blueprints and wish to move to C++.
The Unreal Engine 4 Sub-Reddit
Reddit seems to have a large crowd and there is relatively good activity in the subreddit. Most of the time I see a lot of beginners go there to ask questions. It is usually pretty helpful.
Rama / EverNewJoy
This person does a lot of stuff with UE4 and has a Plugin library for Blueprints. There are also a few other Plugins on the marketplace by this person. From forum posts to tutorials, transition guides, and wiki posts - Rama has a lot of content and most of it is in C++. Also, Rama seems to enjoy lots of color and hearts.
The Obscure
This is just a small collection of links to random things about Unreal Engine 4 and it's C++ components that nobody really talks about. Most of these links are one off a very specific. They are as follows:
- This oddly overly descriptive API Doc about the MessageBus (The most detailed I have ever encountered)
- A Demo done at a later time for the MessageBus
- OpenCL (queries OpenCL info) Plugin for Unreal Engine 4 in C++. Great way to learn how to write a plugin for a third party binary.
- A Github Search for UE4, ordered by starts, filtered by C++.
- UE4 UI using HTML? Why not!?
Unreal Engine 4 C++ Resources: Parting Words
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Things start to look nicer the more you apply yourself |
Well, that is about all I use when going in to take a look at C++ demos and examples in Unreal Engine 4. Obviously, this is not the extent of all the resources available for Unreal Engine 4 C++. If there is anything that you may know of that I missed and is usable by a wide range of people, feel free to comment. I hope for anyone who was looking for some help in C++ for Unreal Engine 4 that this offered as a good guidance of where to go.
Until next time! Enjoy your game programming!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Unreal Engine Quest Framework Part 1.5
After spending some time on vacation and on an epic honeymoon, I have finally had time to get back to continue my original Quest Framework series. But, first, let me interrupt and thank everyone out there for their support. This is by far the most popular content I have ever written and it brings me great joy that you support it and find it useful.
With all the time off, and the time back at my day job, I have not been able to fully complete the second part of my Quest Framework series. However, I do have an addition I would like to share that may be useful. This addition is a new class that generates random Objectives from a predefined list of objectives inside of a Quest.
Pretty nifty huh? We just inherit from AQuest (defined in the original Part 1 post) and add a few configuration parameters that can be set in either an inherited class or Blueprint.
PossibleObjectives is the meat of this class. Just add AObjective subclasses to it in the derived Blueprint or subclass and whenever the AQuestRandom is spawned in game, the class will do all the work of adding some random Objectives.
MinObjectivesGenerated and MaxObjectivesGenerated are there to help add some constraints to the amount of randomly generated quests. In proper fashion, these numbers are just constraints on the random determination of the amount of random Objectives created. I heard people like randomness on top of their randomness so I threw it in just for fun.
Next, I will show you the source for this nifty class and explain the true meat of the randomization algorithm (which isn't too difficult at all).
First, if we have the same MinObjectivesGenerated and MaxObjectivesGenerated, we are going to short circuit and say the designer only wants to pick one random Objective for this Quest. It is also the default behavior due to the values set in the Constructor of the class.
If the designer does not go with this default behavior we will actually do some work.
So, if we really look at it, the algorithm is not that hard to implement. All we need is to grab a random number clamped to the values provided to us from MinObjectivesGenerated and MaxObjectivesGenerated. From there we just iterate as many times as the RandomCount has defined to create that many Objectives.
In both configurations we just grab a random number starting at 0 (the starting index of an array) and PossibleObjectives.Num() - 1 (we subtract one to ensure we are within the bounds of the array as index access is 0 based but the Num() starts at 1 - this is a general rule).
From there, the base class takes care of everything else for us.
And there you have it. Random objective generation. So, hopefully you can add some more content and unique playthroughs of your games via random Objectives in your Quests.
Until next time!
Note - I will have an official part 2 for this series that will have subsections. I am currently prototyping with the idea of implementing quests as state machines and message publishers to decouple a lot of the quest implementation from your actual game-play code. On top of that I am going to implement it as a plugin with components so that you can port it over multiple games. Why? Because 'Quests', 'Objectives', and 'Missions' are really all the same thing and can be written generic enough that the core foundation of them work across all game types.
With all the time off, and the time back at my day job, I have not been able to fully complete the second part of my Quest Framework series. However, I do have an addition I would like to share that may be useful. This addition is a new class that generates random Objectives from a predefined list of objectives inside of a Quest.
Quest Framework Part 1.5: Random Objectives
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Want your players to look this excited for your quests? Don't use this framework for evil, no randomly generated fetch quests allowed! |
Following the format of the last post, I will layout the header file for you, then explain some of the variables. From there I will layout the definitions and explain all of the logic.
The Head
class QUESTGAME_API AQuestRandom : public AQuest { GENERATED_BODY() public: AQuestRandom(); virtual void BeginPlay() override; protected: UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Quest") TArray<TSubclassOf<AObjective>> PossibleObjectives; UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Quest", meta=(UIMin=1)) int32 MinObjectivesGenerated; UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Quest", meta=(UIMin=1)) int32 MaxObjectivesGenerated; private: /** Helper methods for validation and generation. * ::GenerateRandomObjectives() could be made public * and wrapped with UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Quest") to make it exposed to the rest of your game. */ void GenerateRandomObjectives(); bool IsValidConfiguration() const; };
Pretty nifty huh? We just inherit from AQuest (defined in the original Part 1 post) and add a few configuration parameters that can be set in either an inherited class or Blueprint.
PossibleObjectives is the meat of this class. Just add AObjective subclasses to it in the derived Blueprint or subclass and whenever the AQuestRandom is spawned in game, the class will do all the work of adding some random Objectives.
MinObjectivesGenerated and MaxObjectivesGenerated are there to help add some constraints to the amount of randomly generated quests. In proper fashion, these numbers are just constraints on the random determination of the amount of random Objectives created. I heard people like randomness on top of their randomness so I threw it in just for fun.
Next, I will show you the source for this nifty class and explain the true meat of the randomization algorithm (which isn't too difficult at all).
The Source

#include "QuestRandom.h" AQuestRandom::AQuestRandom() : AQuest(), MinObjectivesGenerated(AbsoluteMin), MaxObjectivesGenerated(AbsoluteMin) { } void AQuestRandom::BeginPlay() { if (IsValidConfiguration()) { GenerateRandomObjectives(); } //Must be called last as we need to fill the Objective subclass array first Super::BeginPlay(); } void AQuestRandom::GenerateRandomObjectives() { const bool bMakeOnlyOne = MinObjectivesGenerated == MaxObjectivesGenerated; if (bMakeOnlyOne) { int32 RandomIndex = FMath::RandRange(0, PossibleObjectives.Num() - 1); Objectives.Add(PossibleObjectives[RandomIndex]); } else { int32 RandomCount = FMath::RandRange(MinObjectivesGenerated, MaxObjectivesGenerated); for (int32 i = (AbsoluteMin - 1); i < RandomCount; ++i) { int32 RandomIndex = FMath::RandRange(0, PossibleObjectives.Num() - 1); /* Note: if you want only one type of quest to be active at a time, * i.e. treat Objective types array as a set, use AddUnique */ Objectives.Add(PossibleObjectives[RandomIndex]); } } } bool AQuestRandom::IsValidConfiguration() const { return MinObjectivesGenerated <= MaxObjectivesGenerated && PossibleObjectives.Num() > 0; }Awesome right? We really only need one function to add randomly generated Objectives to our Quests! Huzzah! So, let us look immediately into the GenerateRandomObjectives function as it is the crux of our class.
First, if we have the same MinObjectivesGenerated and MaxObjectivesGenerated, we are going to short circuit and say the designer only wants to pick one random Objective for this Quest. It is also the default behavior due to the values set in the Constructor of the class.
If the designer does not go with this default behavior we will actually do some work.
So, if we really look at it, the algorithm is not that hard to implement. All we need is to grab a random number clamped to the values provided to us from MinObjectivesGenerated and MaxObjectivesGenerated. From there we just iterate as many times as the RandomCount has defined to create that many Objectives.
In both configurations we just grab a random number starting at 0 (the starting index of an array) and PossibleObjectives.Num() - 1 (we subtract one to ensure we are within the bounds of the array as index access is 0 based but the Num() starts at 1 - this is a general rule).
From there, the base class takes care of everything else for us.
The End
Until next time!
Note - I will have an official part 2 for this series that will have subsections. I am currently prototyping with the idea of implementing quests as state machines and message publishers to decouple a lot of the quest implementation from your actual game-play code. On top of that I am going to implement it as a plugin with components so that you can port it over multiple games. Why? Because 'Quests', 'Objectives', and 'Missions' are really all the same thing and can be written generic enough that the core foundation of them work across all game types.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Unreal Engine 4 Quest Framework C++ Part 1
Lately, I have been working on a simple horror game in UE4 that has a very simple Objective system that drives the gameplay. After looking at the code, I realized it could serve as the basis of a framework for a generic questing system. Today I will share all of that code and explain each class as it pertains to the framework.
The following classes to get started on a simple quest framework would are AQuest and AObjective, using the UE4 naming conventions for classes. AObjective is metadata about the quest as well the actual worker when it comes to completing parts of a quest. AQuest is a container of objectives and does group management of objectives. Both classes are derived from AInfo as they are purely classes of information and do not need to have a transform or collision within the world.
Not that bad of a deal. The only responsibilities of an AObjective is to track the completion of the sub-portion of an AQuest and offer some idea of what the player must do.
The objective is tracked by the CurrentProgress and TotalProgressNeeded properties. Added by the supplied helper functions, Update, IsComplete, and GetProgress, we can get a reasonable amount of data about just this tiny portion of a quest. These functions give you all the functionality needed to start a questing framework for your UE4 game.
There is one boolean property that has not been mentioned: MustBeCompletedToAdvance. Depending on the use case, this could be used to ensure a sequential order in objectives or having required and optional objectives. I will implement it as the first in this tutorial. Only minor changes later on would be needed to use it as an indicator or optional or required quests. Or, you could just add a new property to support both.
There are two more properties that help us out with AObjective management: ObjectiveName and Description. ObjectiveName can be thought of as a unique identifier for the implemented AObjective. The ObjectiveName's purpose is for player feedback. For instance, the FText value could be (in simple string terms) "Get a rock". It is nothing specific to the game, it is only something to be used as a hint in either a UI or other visual element to let the player know that they need to do something in order to complete the objective.
Next, we can look at the small amount of code that is used to define AObjective.
Again, you will be hard pressed to say "that is a lot of code". Indeed, the most complex code is the division in the GetProgress function.
Wait, why do we call / override BeginPlay or Tick? Well, that is an extreme implementation detail. For instance, what if, while an AObjective is active, you want to tick a countdown for a time trialed AObjective.
For BeingPlay we could implement various other details such as activating certain items in the world, spawning enemies, and so on and so forth. You are only limited by your code skills and imagination.
Right, so how do we manage all of these objectives and make sure only relevant AObjectives are available? Well, we implement an AQuest class in which it acts as an AObjective manager.
Not much bigger that the AObjective class is it? This is because all AQuest does is wrap around a collection of AObjective's and provides some utility functions to help manage them.
The Objectives property is a simple way to configure an AQuest's objectives via the Blueprints Editor. And the CurrentObjectives is a collection of all live AObjective's that are configured for the given AQuest.
There are several user friendly properties such as a USoundCue, FName, and FText types that help give audio visual feedback to the player. For instance, when a player starts a quest, a nice sound plays - like a chime - and the QuestStartDescription text is written to the player's HUD and a journal implementation. Then, when a player completes a quest, a get is called for the QuestEndDescription property and writes it to a journal implementation. But those are all specific implementation details related to your game and is limited only by coding skills and imagination.
All of the functions for AQuest are wrappers to operate on collections of AObjectives to update and query for completion. All AObjectives in the AQuest are referenced and found by FName property types. This allows for updating different instances of AObjectives that are essentially the same, but differ at the data level. It also allows the removal of managing pointers. As another argument, it decouples knowledge of what an AObjective object is from other classes, so completing quests via other class implementations only requires the knowledge of an AQuest - or the container for the AQuest - object and default types supplied by the engine such as int32 and FName.
How does this all work, well, just like before, here is the definition of AQuest:
Probably the most complex code out of all of this is the CanUpdate method. It checks to see, sequentially (so order of AObjective configuration matters), if an AObjective is completed and if it is required to complete any other AObjectives after it. This is where the bitwise OR comes in. So basicly, we cannot advance to the requested AObjective if any of the previous AObjectives are not complete and are set to MustBeCompletedToAdvance (or as the listeral code says you CAN advance if the previous AObjective IS complete OR it does not required to be completed in order to advance).
The IsComplete function is just and aggregate check to see if all AObjectives are complete - defining a completed AQuest. The QuestCompletion method is a simple averaging of all AObjective completion percentages.
Also, the AQuest class has a simple function to wrap up the CanUpdate and Update calls into one neat little function called TryUpdate. This allows a check for the ability to update before applying the requested progress update and returns an indicator of success or failure. This is useful when code outside of AQuest wants to attempt AObjective updates without caring about much else.
Finally, for the same reason of AObjective's BeginPlay and Tick functions, AQuest also overrides these to allow your coding skills and imagination to fly.
Hopefully, this was a good introduction into the groundwork of designing a questing framework for your Unreal Engine 4 game. If you did enjoy it, comment or like it. If there is enough interest I will continue on-wards with Part II: Nesting Quests and Objectives. That part will be a tutorial just like this, with full code samples, explaining how to structure the framework to nest multiple AObjectives into an AObjective to create a structure of sub-objectives as well as the same pattern applied to AQuest to supply sub-quests.
The following classes to get started on a simple quest framework would are AQuest and AObjective, using the UE4 naming conventions for classes. AObjective is metadata about the quest as well the actual worker when it comes to completing parts of a quest. AQuest is a container of objectives and does group management of objectives. Both classes are derived from AInfo as they are purely classes of information and do not need to have a transform or collision within the world.
Since it is the foundation for a quest, I will first layout and explain AObjective. The header of AObjective goes as follows:// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "GameFramework/Info.h" #include "Objective.generated.h" UCLASS() class QUESTGAME_API AObjective : public AInfo { GENERATED_BODY() public: // Sets default values for this actor's properties AObjective(); // Called when the game starts or when spawned virtual void BeginPlay() override; // Called every frame virtual void Tick( float DeltaSeconds ) override; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "O" ) FText Description; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "O" ) FName ObjectiveName; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "O" ) bool MustBeCompletedToAdvance; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "O" ) int32 TotalProgressNeeded; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "O" ) int32 CurrentProgress; UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "O" ) void Update( int32 Progress ); UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "O" ) virtual bool IsComplete( ) const; UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "O" ) virtual float GetProgress( ) const; };
Not that bad of a deal. The only responsibilities of an AObjective is to track the completion of the sub-portion of an AQuest and offer some idea of what the player must do.
The objective is tracked by the CurrentProgress and TotalProgressNeeded properties. Added by the supplied helper functions, Update, IsComplete, and GetProgress, we can get a reasonable amount of data about just this tiny portion of a quest. These functions give you all the functionality needed to start a questing framework for your UE4 game.
There is one boolean property that has not been mentioned: MustBeCompletedToAdvance. Depending on the use case, this could be used to ensure a sequential order in objectives or having required and optional objectives. I will implement it as the first in this tutorial. Only minor changes later on would be needed to use it as an indicator or optional or required quests. Or, you could just add a new property to support both.
There are two more properties that help us out with AObjective management: ObjectiveName and Description. ObjectiveName can be thought of as a unique identifier for the implemented AObjective. The ObjectiveName's purpose is for player feedback. For instance, the FText value could be (in simple string terms) "Get a rock". It is nothing specific to the game, it is only something to be used as a hint in either a UI or other visual element to let the player know that they need to do something in order to complete the objective.
Next, we can look at the small amount of code that is used to define AObjective.
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "QuestGame.h" #include "Objective.h" // Sets default values AObjective::AObjective( ) : Description( ), ObjectiveName( NAME_None ), TotalProgressNeeded( 1 ), CurrentProgress( 0 ), MustBeCompletedToAdvance( true ) { // Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true; } // Called when the game starts or when spawned void AObjective::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); } // Called every frame void AObjective::Tick( float DeltaTime ) { Super::Tick( DeltaTime ); } void AObjective::Update( int32 Progress ) { CurrentProgress += Progress; } bool AObjective::IsComplete( ) const { return CurrentProgress >= TotalProgressNeeded; } float AObjective::GetProgress( ) const { check( TotalProgressNeeded != 0 ) return (float)CurrentProgress / (float)TotalProgressNeeded; }
Again, you will be hard pressed to say "that is a lot of code". Indeed, the most complex code is the division in the GetProgress function.
Wait, why do we call / override BeginPlay or Tick? Well, that is an extreme implementation detail. For instance, what if, while an AObjective is active, you want to tick a countdown for a time trialed AObjective.
For BeingPlay we could implement various other details such as activating certain items in the world, spawning enemies, and so on and so forth. You are only limited by your code skills and imagination.
Right, so how do we manage all of these objectives and make sure only relevant AObjectives are available? Well, we implement an AQuest class in which it acts as an AObjective manager.
Here is the declaration of an AQuest to get you started:// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "GameFramework/Info.h" #include "Quest.generated.h" UCLASS() class QUESTGAME_API AQuest : public AInfo { GENERATED_BODY() public: // Sets default values for this actor's properties AQuest(); // Called when the game starts or when spawned virtual void BeginPlay() override; // Called every frame virtual void Tick( float DeltaSeconds ) override; public: UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Q" ) TArray<class AObjective*> CurrentObjectives; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Q" ) TArray<TSubclassOf<AObjective>> Objectives; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Q" ) USoundCue* QuestStartSoundCue; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Q" ) FName QuestName; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Q" ) FText QuestStartDescription; UPROPERTY( EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Q" ) FText QuestEndDescription;UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Q" ) bool IsQuestComplete( ) const; UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Q" ) bool CanUpdate( FName Objective ); UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Q" ) void Update( FName Objective, int32 Progress ); UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Q" ) bool TryUpdate( FName Objective, int32 Progress ); UFUNCTION( BlueprintCallable, Category = "Q" ) float QuestCompletion( ) const; };
Not much bigger that the AObjective class is it? This is because all AQuest does is wrap around a collection of AObjective's and provides some utility functions to help manage them.
The Objectives property is a simple way to configure an AQuest's objectives via the Blueprints Editor. And the CurrentObjectives is a collection of all live AObjective's that are configured for the given AQuest.
There are several user friendly properties such as a USoundCue, FName, and FText types that help give audio visual feedback to the player. For instance, when a player starts a quest, a nice sound plays - like a chime - and the QuestStartDescription text is written to the player's HUD and a journal implementation. Then, when a player completes a quest, a get is called for the QuestEndDescription property and writes it to a journal implementation. But those are all specific implementation details related to your game and is limited only by coding skills and imagination.
All of the functions for AQuest are wrappers to operate on collections of AObjectives to update and query for completion. All AObjectives in the AQuest are referenced and found by FName property types. This allows for updating different instances of AObjectives that are essentially the same, but differ at the data level. It also allows the removal of managing pointers. As another argument, it decouples knowledge of what an AObjective object is from other classes, so completing quests via other class implementations only requires the knowledge of an AQuest - or the container for the AQuest - object and default types supplied by the engine such as int32 and FName.
How does this all work, well, just like before, here is the definition of AQuest:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "QuestGame.h" #include "Objective.h" #include "Quest.h" AQuest::AQuest() : QuestName( NAME_None ), CurrentObjectives( ), QuestStartDescription( ), QuestEndDescription( ) { } void AQuest::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); UWorld* World = GetWorld(); if ( World ) { for ( auto Objective : Objectives ) { CurrentObjectives.Add(World->SpawnActor(Objective)); } } } // Called every frame void AQuest::Tick( float DeltaTime ) { Super::Tick( DeltaTime ); } bool AQuest::IsQuestComplete() const { bool result = true; for ( auto Objective : CurrentObjectives ) { result &= Objective->IsComplete(); } return result; } bool AQuest::CanUpdate( FName Objective ) { bool PreviousIsComplete = true; for ( auto Obj : CurrentObjectives ) { if ( PreviousIsComplete ) { if ( Objective == Obj->ObjectiveName ) return true; else PreviousIsComplete = Obj->IsComplete() | !Obj->MustBeCompletedToAdvance; } else { return false; } } return true; } void AQuest::Update( FName Objective, int32 Progress ) { for ( auto Obj : CurrentObjectives ) { if ( Obj->ObjectiveName == Objective ) { Obj->Update( Progress ); return; } } } bool AQuest::TryUpdate( FName Objective, int32 Progress ) { bool result = CanUpdate( Objective ); if ( result ) { Update( Objective, Progress ); } return result; } float AQuest::QuestCompletion( ) const { int32 NumObjectives = CurrentObjectives.Num( ); if( NumObjectives == 0 ) return 1.0f; float AggregateCompletion = 0.0f; for( auto Objective : CurrentObjectives ) { AggregateCompletion += Objective->GetProgress( ); } return AggregateCompletion / (float)NumObjectives; }
Probably the most complex code out of all of this is the CanUpdate method. It checks to see, sequentially (so order of AObjective configuration matters), if an AObjective is completed and if it is required to complete any other AObjectives after it. This is where the bitwise OR comes in. So basicly, we cannot advance to the requested AObjective if any of the previous AObjectives are not complete and are set to MustBeCompletedToAdvance (or as the listeral code says you CAN advance if the previous AObjective IS complete OR it does not required to be completed in order to advance).
The IsComplete function is just and aggregate check to see if all AObjectives are complete - defining a completed AQuest. The QuestCompletion method is a simple averaging of all AObjective completion percentages.
Also, the AQuest class has a simple function to wrap up the CanUpdate and Update calls into one neat little function called TryUpdate. This allows a check for the ability to update before applying the requested progress update and returns an indicator of success or failure. This is useful when code outside of AQuest wants to attempt AObjective updates without caring about much else.
Finally, for the same reason of AObjective's BeginPlay and Tick functions, AQuest also overrides these to allow your coding skills and imagination to fly.
Hopefully, this was a good introduction into the groundwork of designing a questing framework for your Unreal Engine 4 game. If you did enjoy it, comment or like it. If there is enough interest I will continue on-wards with Part II: Nesting Quests and Objectives. That part will be a tutorial just like this, with full code samples, explaining how to structure the framework to nest multiple AObjectives into an AObjective to create a structure of sub-objectives as well as the same pattern applied to AQuest to supply sub-quests.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
There is No Such Word as Failure: A Lesson on Failure and Balance
This may seem like a strange post. But it is a reflection on the past five years that I feel sharing with anyone can help them think about what they are doing in regards to their profession, as well as where they plan on going. Be warned though: Get settled, get some hot cocoa, and enjoy the read. Perhaps it pertains to you in more ways than one, and it does not necessarily have to be about video games or your career.
So, let me continue on and start with the strange, seemingly unrelated topic first: StarCraft 2, a video game.
With StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void being released this past month, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the past five years in regards to my past pursuits in relation to video games. These reflections are on how I handle something that I enjoy, how I handle failure, and ultimately, what I have learned from the past five years in regards to my pursuit in the video game industry.
Let us start at the beginning. That is, the release of StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty. That was about five years ago. A lot was going on for me at that time: I had graduated high school, started my education at DeVry University, and maintaining a wonderful relationship with my now fiancé. StarCraft 2 had a major impact on my life and may have made me who I am today. I say this for three reasons: it happened at a critical time in my life, it helped define my work ethics, and it allowed me have some introspection.
I remember the day I first bought StarCraft 2. I was at a local Target with my fiancé. After some debate I bought it. I then proceeded to spend the first three nights playing through the campaign. I then logged in to online multiplayer (the real reason the game is so popular) for the first time. I began to become assimilated into the SC2 ecosystem within the course of a week.
After a few losses and one win I was placed in Bronze League – one of the lowest leagues to be put in. I played a few more games which led to me being obsessed with winning. This was odd for my personality as I played sports my whole life and didn't care about winning or losing as much as the other players. This obsession led me to spend hours watching SC2 shout-casts by HD and Husky (don't know who those guys are? Me either - anymore) and improving my SC2 skills with tips from Day9 (quite the fellow). The hours spent doing this usually crept into the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes, it would be dawn before I decided to go to bed.
With all that dedication, I started to improve.
With my improvements I began winning. I was consumed with this rush of excitement, the feeling of glory, the joy in crushing my opponents. I was winning games using my god-like macro abilities and my sick Protoss builds. I was rolling over the enemies. Within weeks I climbed the ladder from Bronze league, to Silver, to Gold, then to Platinum league. I was an SC2 super star in my head. (As a note, the Master and Grand Master leagues did not exist at that time).
A few months in I started to pay attention to the pros - NaniWa, HuK, and MC. I would download a few of the replays they would post and study them. I would watch the tournament VoDs – Videos on Demand. I would also do practice runs in game to perfect my build timings. Indeed, I was going all in.
After some time I progressed to Diamond League. The excitement! The joy! I WAS A GOD! ... I may get a little carried away with my statements but it is hard to share the complete, full body experience that came with joining the upper echelon of SC2 players. Worse still, I became a Rank One Diamond in my division for a good period of time. My ego began to tear down the walls of my bedroom around me. This is where the decline began.
The game started to consume my life, it occupied my every thought. I had transitioned to three jobs at the time and all I talked to my co-workers about was StarCraft 2. My lovely fiancé (then girlfriend) listened to me talk her ear off about every aspect of the game - even watched a few tournaments with me (bless her heart). I was a Protoss... that is how I defined myself. I was 19 at the time.
My mind started to become the barrier. I would get cocky trying out for SC2 clubs, I was disheartened by the lack of SC2 community in the Midwest region near me, and I felt alone - nobody I knew played SC2 as well as I did to practice with. It was a void that could not be filled. I began to feel lonely. For some reason, I just lost interest. I started to feel like a failure, there was no rhyme or reason to it, it just sort of happened.
I quit StarCraft 2 before Heart of the Swarm (the second part of the three part game) was even launched.
I moved onto League of Legends, another competitive based game, this time with teams of 5.
Talk about a vicious cycle. If you reread the entire section about StarCraft 2 and replace "SC2" with "LoL" you get the picture. I fell into that trap as well.
Looking back, playing video games consumed me when it came to competition. I enjoy playing the ‘regular’ games like the entire Witcher series by CD Projekt Red and the Total War series by Creative Assembly. But the competitive games affected me differently than those. They started to feel like a job, a climb to the top. I would get frustrated and feel inadequate and I would blame everything around me for that feeling – all from a silly little games.
With that being said, we will move onto my projects I worked on in parallel with this SC2 craze.
I went to DeVry University for a degree in Game and Simulation Programming. It was all fun and games for the first two years as with any College / University. That is why I had all that time to play SC2. However, junior year began to challenge me – which I enjoyed. I was learning project development cycles, advanced C++, networking, game design, and game engine architecture. I had also joined a few people on some professional projects during my time at DeVry. And this is where I would like to lead into. (If you really want details on my projects at DeVry, read all of my 2014 posts.)
a simple FPS cam (above) and a trailer for my senior project (below)
I had worked on several projects with outside entities while at DeVry. These projects - in no particular order - were named as follows: Super Ubie Land, Undead Fred: A Grave Tale, Invisible Battles: The Quest for Hope, War for Orion, Soccer Legend Online, and Bring out Your Dead Trading Card Game.
I was prototyping Super Ubie Land for Notion Games, LLC on the Game Maker engine. Just like when I was obsessed with SC2, I threw myself into it. I had a working prototype up and running for the developer in Game Maker. I even started to prototype another game for him. Turns out that prototypes and proofs of concept are not permanent nor guarantee a job. I spent a summer on that project and the company decided to go with a different engine that they did not need my skills for. Which I am okay with – these things happen. Was I heartbroken? Yes. To be 19 and have a name on a legitimate game would have been awesome. However, I could not help myself from blaming them and feeling like a failure for some time.
Herald in my 20s. I was looking for a project to work on. So I posted on the Game Maker community forums as a programmer looking for work. I was picked up immediately by a wide-eyed hobby developer. The project sounded fun; I was up for anything, optimistic, just getting off the high of a really fun school project learning DirectX 9 (now ancient). I accepted.
I must say, it was a team filled with talent. If I met that same team today, I would still have the same optimistic feeling. We had a talented artist, a practical game designer, talented programmers (yes, some self-flattery there), an excellent sound artist, and a game demo ready in three months. There were talks of interviewing with some small time indie game magazines. We were sailing along nicely.
test screenshot for Undead Fred: A Grave Tale |
One day – it just stopped. It was strange. We went from daily emails to weekly. Skype never rang for me anymore. Eventually – I was working solo on a project. I was disheartened, frustrated. I must admit I was quite angry. I uploaded it to the Steam Community and said “ah ‘phooie with it.”
From that point on I promised to focus on school for I had, once again, completely devoted myself to something just to be tossed aside like used underwear at the end of the day. Worse yet, nobody else noticed nor cared. I felt cheated of opportunity, untalented in my skills, and completely distraught.
Fast forward a few months. I broke that oath. It was mostly out of desperation for an internship before graduation, because internships are of the utmost importance. You are doomed without one no matter the industry.
I cannot remember how I got there, but I came into contact with the owner of an indie game studio in downtown Milwaukee, WI. After some research I started to believe in the project and I worked on Bring out Your Dead TCG for Ever Fire Studios. It was a green project comprised of hobby developers and students alike. All resources were paid for by the owner. For all intents and purposes – it was an unpaid internship, which is not that uncommon.
The project was approached using the Agile Project Management methodology. This was a breath of fresh air because any project prior there was no project management. Which was fine for prototypes, but not for a complete project. We were getting along fine and having fun. The internship required seven hours of work a week and the attendance to a meeting once a week. This helped me regulate my time spent on it unlike the previous projects for Super Ubie Land and Undead Fred: A Grave Tale. Even more so, it was a far cry from my StarCraft 2 days – where I managed my time horrendously.
However, it was not meant to be. Owning two companies cost money and the priorities were on the other company – Forever Interactive – and their exciting project Visions of Zosimos. I do not blame them, this project was just getting started and VoZ had been in development for years – and a great project at that from playing it a few times. But, I was – again – heartbroken.
(above) visions of zosimos trailer
It was starting to feel like StarCraft 2 all over again. I would start, get excited, be optimistic, make great progress, only to see things halt and die on me. Sometimes, I don’t even know why it went south other than that it did.
To complete the overarching theme, I graduated school and worked on three more projects after that. These ones were shorter term and not as important to me but I will write details just to cover all my bases.
Soccer Legend Online wanted to hire me on a contract basis. They wanted some AI programmed in with networking within three weeks for a small payout. I was arrogant and thought I could do anything, a motto I seem to have going for me as that is how I felt with StarCraft 2, the reality did not match my internal expectations. Needless to say there was fallout in communication and I did not deliver the expected product. Now, they are Greenlit, so kudos to them.
Then the game Invisible Battles: The Quest for Hope. If ever there was a time that I could relate myself to being a wormhole of confusion, it was then. I had no idea what was going on with this project. All I knew was that I was programming a game and I was getting paid some decent money for it. I had no idea where the artists were at, but I never had assets to use from them. Sound designers were non-existent. The game designer, well, I wasn’t sure who was the game designer or just a person voicing their opinion.
(above) Invisible Battles: The Quest for Hope combat, morphing, and item pickup prototype
Then the developer ran out of money. Again, I had the overwhelming feeling of failure and complete loss of worth.
This brings me to my last endeavor with an external team: War for Orion. I have no one to blame but myself on this one. I was excited for a brief moment and I was working with that team in exchange for a trade of skills. I program for them, they make art for me. We both meet halfway. I received half of the excellent art assets (and I didn’t even deserve that much) and I worked on the game halfheartedly. This has nothing to do with the project in itself – it is a great concept and I try to follow the team.
(above) War for Orion prototype video
I was asked to leave – on friendly terms – after a few months.
Again – heart broken. But this time, it happened because I expected it to happen. I conjured the event with my own mind. This is a direct relation to what I did with StarCraft 2 and League of Legends. I brought myself down in the end.
This is the point of the story where everything ties in. You see, I followed the same path when it came to StarCraft 2 and Game Development. I let failure get to me and control me at this point. It didn’t lead me anywhere useful… or so I thought.
Reflection is a great thing. It allows you to look into yourself and learn something new. What have I learned? That commitment to something does not mean going full throttle all in to get where you want to be. Commitment means taking the time to plan for the long haul and balance the work that needs to be done with the rest of your life.
Constantly, I hear about these developers and pro gamers that spend 70 or 80 plus hours a week on their goals. That doesn’t help anybody but your manager or yourself getting the illusion that you are doing something worthwhile. Damaging your health, even if it is for something you love, is not worth it – ever.
I have learned a lot in the past five years, and these are just the things I have learned reflecting on something as simple as my enjoyment of a video game and my pursuits of working in the game industry. Better yet, all of these perceived failures were anything but.
I have learned that there is no such thing as failure – only the opportunity to learn and grow. So, the next time something doesn’t work out, or you lose focus and stop a great project. Sit back, write it down if you have to, and take a look at the why. If you are writing a lot of whys about something other than yourself, stop, you are not ready for this.
Reflection takes self-awareness and introspection. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses – what makes you tick. Better yet, you need to find out your flaws and work with them, or improve them. My flaws were obvious in the above stories: I did not balance my life well, I allowed failure to overwhelm me, I used to blame outside entities for these failures, and I allowed myself to be negatively affected by these events.
I have learned over the past five years. I have learned from StarCraft 2 that I can easily become obsessed and unbalanced when it comes to achieving my dreams. I have learned from my past projects that management is a key factor in success. I have also learned from both that there are things more important than making video games, which is just a career after all.
Finally, to prove that there is no such word as failure, I sit every day at my day job, programming – a job that I love. I would not be there if I had not gone on wild adventures in regards to video games and game development. From each of my endeavors I learned a little more about myself. I have tweaked my bugs, and produced a better self. I am happy and I will continue to do what I love outside of work – like play video games and make them, and – most importantly – spend time with those I love. The only difference now than five years ago is that I will no longer consider anything a failure; I will have a healthy balance in my life; and I will only work on what I enjoy in life because life is too short to be miserable.
Now, I challenge you: sit down, reflect on all perceived failures in the past five years. Find reasons why you failed due to yourself. Then reflect and learn that they were not failures, but opportunities to grow.
For those of you interested in the projects (some now dead):
· Visions of Zosimos by Forever Interactive
· Super Ubie Land by Notion Games
· Everfire Studios
· Undead Fred
· Soccer Legend Online by True Illusion Software
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Preview Developer Site
Hello all,
I just wanted to share my latest quick project of mine with everyone to get some feedback on it. I currently have a website hosted at I plan on making this website a model of my portfolio and wish to have some feedback on it. My goals for this website are pretty simple:
Here is the link again.
Thank you!
P.S. new post coming up about the games on my portfolio!
I just wanted to share my latest quick project of mine with everyone to get some feedback on it. I currently have a website hosted at I plan on making this website a model of my portfolio and wish to have some feedback on it. My goals for this website are pretty simple:
- Concise messages about what I do and my projects
- A list of my projects with an overview
- A detailed view of my projects
Here is the link again.
Thank you!
P.S. new post coming up about the games on my portfolio!
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